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How to detect the magnetic field strength of an electromagnetic dry powder magnetic separator?


Detecting the magnetic field strength of an electromagnetic dry powder magnetic separator is an important step to ensure that the equipment can work properly and achieve the expected sorting effect. Magnetic field strength is one of the core parameters for separating materials in electromagnetic magnetic separators, which directly affects the sorting effect and equipment efficiency. The following are detailed steps and precautions for detecting the magnetic field strength of an electromagnetic dry powder magnetic separator:

1. Use a Gaussian meter (magnetic field strength measuring instrument)

Gauss meter is the most commonly used instrument for detecting magnetic field strength, which can measure the magnetic field strength at different positions inside the electromagnetic dry powder magnetic separator, usually expressed in Gauss (Gs) or Tesla (T) units. The specific steps for using a Gaussian meter to detect magnetic field strength are as follows:


-Choose the appropriate Gaussian meter: Select the appropriate Gaussian meter based on the magnetic field strength range of the magnetic separator. Usually, the magnetic field strength of electromagnetic separators in industrial applications can range from several thousand Gauss to tens of thousands Gauss, so measuring instruments that can cover this range should be selected.

-Preparation for measurement area: The magnetic separator generates a strong magnetic field during operation. It is necessary to ensure that the equipment is running in an unloaded state or completely turned off before conducting the detection to avoid affecting the measurement results due to materials or impurities. At the same time, keep the exterior of the device clean to prevent impurities from interfering.

-Probe placement: Place the probe of the Gaussian meter in the working area of the magnetic separator (usually near the magnetic poles of the drum or sorting area). The probe should be placed as close as possible to the magnetic source, and the specific location depends on the area to be measured. The probe can be placed at different heights and angles at the entrance, exit, or sorting area of the magnetic separator.

-Read data: After the Gaussian meter probe is in place, start the Gaussian meter to measure the magnetic field strength. Record the magnetic field strength values at each measurement point, paying attention to any fluctuations or abnormal phenomena.

-Multi point measurement: In order to comprehensively evaluate the magnetic field distribution, measurements should be taken at multiple locations, especially in different sorting areas, material inlet and outlet positions, magnetic pole centers, etc. This can ensure that the magnetic field strength in each area of the device is uniform.

matters needing attention:

-Measurement environment: Ensure that no other magnetic objects are close to the magnetic separator during measurement to avoid affecting measurement accuracy.

-Equipment operating status: Measurement can be carried out when the equipment is running without load or completely stopped, and the magnetic field strength may vary slightly under different equipment operating conditions.

-Regular testing: To ensure the long-term stable operation of the equipment, the magnetic field strength should be regularly tested, especially after the equipment has been in use for a period of time. Coil aging or damage may cause a decrease in magnetic field strength, affecting the sorting effect.

2. Use Hall effect sensors

Hall effect sensor is a commonly used magnetic field detection tool that can measure the magnetic field strength generated by electromagnetic dry powder magnetic separators. Hall sensors generate voltage by sensing the movement of charges in a magnetic field and convert it into magnetic field strength.


-Choose an appropriate Hall sensor: Choose a Hall effect sensor that can measure the required magnetic field range. Sensors commonly used for strong magnetic fields can cover the working range of electromagnetic dry powder magnetic separators.

-Installing sensors: Install Hall sensors at different points in the working area of the magnetic separator (such as the surface of the drum or near the magnetic poles). The sensor should be firmly fixed at the measurement position to ensure the stability of the measurement results.

-Data collection: Hall effect sensors generate voltage signals, which can be read and displayed as magnetic field strength values through a digital converter. Similar to a Gaussian meter, measurements can be taken at multiple points to obtain comprehensive information on the magnetic field distribution inside the device.

-Analyze data: Record and analyze magnetic field strength data at different locations. For electromagnetic dry powder magnetic separators, it is usually necessary to ensure uniform magnetic field strength, especially the magnetic field in the selected area should be within the design range.

3. The relationship between current and magnetic field strength

The magnetic field strength of an electromagnetic dry powder magnetic separator is usually closely related to the current of the equipment, so the magnetic field strength can be indirectly determined by detecting the working current of the coil.


-Current measurement: Use an ammeter to measure the working current of the electromagnetic dry powder magnetic separator coil. The current of the device is directly proportional to the magnetic field strength, so changes in current will directly affect the magnetic field strength.

-Reference design parameters: Based on the design parameters of the equipment, find the corresponding relationship curve between current and magnetic field strength (usually provided in the equipment manual). By measuring the actual current value, the current magnetic field strength can be calculated.

-Calibration of magnetic field strength: If a decrease in device current or non-compliance with design requirements is detected, it indicates that the coil may be aging or damaged, and the magnetic field strength needs to be restored by increasing the current or repairing the coil.

4. Magnetic particle testing method

Magnetic particle testing is a relative method of determining the distribution and strength of magnetic fields by scattering magnetic powder on the surface of the magnetic poles of a magnetic separator, observing the arrangement and density changes of the magnetic particles. Although this method is not precise enough, it can be used as an auxiliary tool for simple on-site testing of magnetic field strength.


-Spread magnetic powder: Spread magnetic powder evenly near the magnetic poles or on the surface of the working area of an electromagnetic dry powder magnetic separator.

-Observing the arrangement of magnetic particles: In the strong magnetic field region, the magnetic particles will be arranged very tightly according to the magnetic field lines, appearing as dense stripes. In weak magnetic field regions, the arrangement of magnetic particles becomes sparse.

-Analysis results: By observing the distribution and arrangement of magnetic particles, the strength of the magnetic field can be roughly determined. If the magnetic powder distribution is sparse in certain areas, it may indicate that the magnetic field in that area is weak and requires further testing and adjustment.

5. Precautions

-Equipment status: Ensure that the electromagnetic dry powder magnetic separator is in a stable working state during testing to avoid fluctuations in magnetic field strength during the measurement process.

-Safety: Equipment with high magnetic field strength should maintain a certain safe distance during detection to avoid interference from strong magnetic fields on the human body or instruments.

-Regular testing: To ensure the long-term efficient operation of the equipment, it is recommended to conduct regular magnetic field strength testing, especially in the event of abnormal magnetic field strength or decreased sorting efficiency, to promptly detect and adjust the equipment.


The detection of magnetic field strength in electromagnetic dry powder magnetic separators mainly relies on professional tools such as Gaussian meters and Hall effect sensors for direct measurement, and can also be assisted by current detection and magnetic particle methods for evaluation. Regular magnetic field strength testing can ensure that the equipment operates at its optimal state, improving sorting efficiency and product quality. During the testing process, suitable measuring tools should be selected, operating procedures should be followed to ensure the accuracy of the testing results and the stability of the equipment.

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